When I first got Maggie we lived in a small house that had a couple of acres of open space behind us inhabited by all kinds of creatures including quail, cottontail rabbits, squirrels, foxes, and feral cats. The rabbits lived in a bush pile near the back fence. Maggie liked to chase the rabbits although she usually couldn’t see them if they were more than 20 yards away and sitting still. I would say “rabbit” and Mag would just start running toward the brush pile. Eventually the rabbit or rabbits would take off running and Mag would catch site of them and give chase. I don’t think she ever got closer than about 10 yards from one. She would lose interest pretty fast and find something else to sniff.
Now that she is nearing 11 years old her interest in chasing things has diminished a bit, but she still has that hunter instinct. That is what remains of the instinct after 1000 years of breeding pugs as lap dogs. We have a wabbit that is almost as big as her that she likes to put in its place once in awhile. It is not clear to me why it sounds like a duck when you squeeze it, but Mag doesn’t care because she doesn’t hear that well anyway.
With apologies to Spirit Yoda here is Mag’s version of a Wabbit hunt:
L. M. A. O. 🙂
oooooo The mighty mighty hunter! Ok, I admit it. Maggie is darn cute as a hunter.
You go girl! Keep up the hunt! What would you do with a rabbit if you actually caught it??
Oh my gosh, that looks a LOT like the stuffed rabbit I bought for Yoda after he caught his last real-live one (I felt so guilty taking his kill away from him). He loved it! Not sure it’s the same one, but it’s very similar except that Yoda’s is missing an ear. I’m surprised that it wasn’t the other way around – that only an ear was left.
Way to go, Maggie! You have a true hunter’s spirit.
Mighty Mag! That wabbit doesn’t stand a chance.
It was nice seeing you again today.
Mary and Cemil
Hmm, so the carriage is really to haul your bounty home from the big hunt, got it. You go Girl!
I just got to watch this(my internet connection is slow at home!)…this is sooooooooooo cute! Mags is cute and actually sorta acts like mine 😉
Tracy, Maggie’s Mom
Maybe its a Maggie thing. They are close in age too- yours just turned 10 and my Mag will be 11 at the end of march. She has always liked to play on her back, since I first brought her home at 10 weeks old . She is not submissive either-
Your address threw me at first- but then I remembered seeing posts from Gina on your blog.
Sorry about the address thingie!! I didn’t realize that was going to do that until after seeing it! (she’s my sister).